ZDM12 Boston Fellows/ Students Pre-Conference Session

Monday, july 15th
8:00am - 12:30pm


The Zebrafish Disease Models society is pleased to support an invitation-only session focused exclusively on fellow and student trainees.  18 trainees will be selected to give oral presentations based on their ZDM12 abstract.  Presenters will be selected from those not presenting a long-format talk in the main ZDMS12 meeting.  Talks will be 8 minutes with 2 minutes for discussion.  This meeting will precede the main ZDM12 Boston Meeting.  There is no charge for attending the Student/Fellow Session.  Free breakfast and lunch will be provided.


A maximum of 75 trainees and 20 faculty/industry members will be selected to attend.  Attendance is by invitation only.  Abstract notification and invitations will be send in early April.  All attendees must be registered for ZDM12.