Teresa Bowman, Ph.D.
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA
Bon-chu Chung, Ph.D.
Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Andrew Cox, Ph.D.
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre – Melbourne, Australia
Hui Feng, MD, Ph.D.
Boston University School of Medicine, USA
Yi Feng, Ph.D.
University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Rita Fior, Ph.D.
Champalimaud Foundation, Portugal
Miguel Godhino Ferreiro, Ph.D.
Institute for Research on Cancer and Aging of Nice (IRCAN), Nice, France
Chris Hall, Ph.D.
The University of Auckland School of Medicine Sciences, New Zealand
Genevieve Kendall, Ph.D.
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Ohio State University College of Medicine
Maria Mione, MD, Ph.D.
Center for Integrative Biology (Cibio), University of Trento, Italy
Rui Monteiro, Ph.D.
University of Birmingham, UK
Trista North, Ph.D.
Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA
Sofia de Oliveira, Ph.D.
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York
Carine Smith, Ph.D.
Stellenbosch University Department of Medicine,
South Africa
David Tobin, Ph.D.
Duke University School of Medicine, USA
Eirini Trompouki, Ph.D.
Institute for Research on Cancer and Aging Nice (IRCAN), Nice, France