Membership Fees
Faculty Member
Any person who has a faculty appointment and/or runs an independent research program at a University, Government or Non-Profit Research Institution.
Industry Member
Individual representatives of industry and others with an interest in zebrafish disease models research who do not qualify under Faculty or Trainee Member requirements.
Trainee Member
This membership type applies to anyone who is a Postdoctoral trainee, graduate student and/or medical student, or an undergraduate student. Please submit a letter from a senior investigator in your department who can verify your status as a trainee, for example your principal investigator, graduate program director, department chair or section head.
The letter must be typed on your institution’s letterhead, signed by the senior investigator, saved in PDF format, and emailed to in order for your membership to be accepted as a trainee.
Wire payments are an additional $25.00
NEW! A 10% discount is available for four or more members in the same lab. One member must be faculty.
Email for details.