GI Metabolism

GI Metabolism Research Interest Group Overview

The human digestive system is targeted by a broad range of disease processes. These include, but are not limited to, infectious, neoplastic and developmental conditions, as well as disorders of cellular metabolism and immune regulation.  These conditions can affect both the digestive tract itself (esophagus, stomach, intestine and colon), or its associated tissues (liver, biliary system, and pancreas).

Digestive diseases and digestive physiology are readily modeled and studied in the zebrafish by exploiting their high throughput screening capability, efficient gene targeting methods and the use of high resolution real-time imaging methods in live fish.  By analyzing complex physiological processes in a live animal model, ZDM GI-Metabolism researchers can better account for how the complex interplay of neural, chemical, hormonal and intercellular cues contribute to the development and progression of human disease.


The ZDM Society’s GI Metabolism Research Interest Group seeks to better define the niche for zebrafish in disease oriented research. The group also provides a forum through which the zebrafish GI Metabolism research community can discuss the development and sharing of research tools, strategies for research funding, and to foster new collaborations. Activities the group plans to promote this year include:

Develop NIH initiatives for disease-oriented zebrafish research projects that complement human tissues and mammalian model research

Promote the importance of the zebrafish for discovery research in developmental biology and digestive physiology that is directly relevant to human disease

Establish disease research initiatives in conjunction with disease societies and research foundations

GI & Metabolism RIG contacts:

Chunyue Yin:
Ryan Anderson:
Lesha Pretorius (Junior Co-Leader):